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Most habitat and range descriptions were obtained from Weakley's Flora.

Your search found 7 taxa in the family Hydrocharitaceae, Frog's-bit family, as understood by Vascular Flora of the Carolinas.


range map

camera icon Common Name: Brazilian Waterweed, Brazilian Egeria, "Brazilian Elodea", "Anacharis"

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Egeria densa   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Egeria densa   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Egeria densa 028-01-001   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae


Habitat: Ponds and stagnant water of streams or rivers


Non-native: South America


range map

camera icon Common Name: American Eelgrass, Water-celery, Tapegrass, Vallisneria

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Vallisneria americana   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Vallisneria americana   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Vallisneria americana 028-03-001   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae


Habitat: Lakes, rivers, estuaries, sounds


Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

camera icon Common Name: American Frogsbit, Spongeplant

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Limnobium spongia   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Limnobium spongia   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Limnobium spongia 028-04-001   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae


Habitat: Swamps, marshes, ponds, pools


Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Hydrilla

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Hydrilla verticillata   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Hydrilla verticillata   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae


Habitat: Ponds, lakes, rivers, often locally abundant

Common (rare in Mountains of GA & SC) (rare in GA Piedmont)

Non-native: Old World


range map

Common Name: European Frog's-bit

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Hydrocharis morsus-ranae   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Hydrocharis morsus-ranae   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae


Habitat: Flooded and saturated wetlands

Non-native: Europe


range map

Common Name: African Elodea, oxygen-weed, South African oxygen weed

Lagarosiphon major

PLANTS National Database: Lagarosiphon major   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae


Non-native: southern Africa


range map

Common Name: Duck-lettuce

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Ottelia alismoides   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Ottelia alismoides   FAMILY: Hydrocharitaceae


Habitat: Quiet waters of streams and bayous, and a weed in rice fields

Non-native: Asia & Australia


Your search found 7 taxa. You are on page PAGE 1 out of 1 pages.

"Traditional monographic taxonomy, with descriptions of taxa, keys to facilitate their identification, distribution maps, and assessments of habitat and relative abundance or rarity, has become increasingly rare." — Alan S. Weakley in Flora of the Southeastern US (2023)