Your search found 13 image(s) of Juniperleaf (Polypremum) and Pearlwort (Sagina).
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Habitat: Disturbed ground, fields, cracks in pavement or sidewalks
Leaves joined at the base, linear, to 1/2" long, bristle-tipped, smooth, per Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast (Cotterman, Waitt, & Weakley, 2019).
Its numerous basal branches are erect to spreading and about 3-4" tall, per Vascular Plants of North Carolina.
Though the petals are spreading, the open flower is barely 1/5" across, per Vascular Plants of North Carolina.
Habitat: Disturbed soils
Habitat: Dunes, longleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods, pond margins, fields, pastures, roadsides, riverside sand bars, disturbed areas
Typically forms circular mats of arching & reclining, radiating branches, per Atlantic Coastal Plain Wildflowers (Nelson, 2006).
Corolla lobes spreading at maturity, throat with a dense ring of short hairs, per (Tenaglia).
Bases of each leaf in a pair connected by a small stipular membrane, per (Tenaglia).
The numerous short, linear leaves have a thickened lustrous appearance, per Atlantic Coastal Plain Wildflowers (Nelson, 2006).
Tiny white 4-petaled flowers are borne singly from the leaf axils, per Atlantic Coastal Plain Wildflowers (Nelson, 2006).
Calyx persistent, lobes lanceolate, relatively thick, sharply pointed, per (Tenaglia).