Your search found 4 image(s) of leaf scars of Sumac and Tree-of-heaven.
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Ailanthus altissima
Lateral buds partly surrounded by the large, shield-shaped leaf scar, per Woody Plants of Kentucky and Tennessee (Jones & Wofford, 2013).
Ailanthus altissima
The leaf scar is heart-shaped, per Winter Tree Finder (Watts & Watts, 1970).
Smooth Sumac,
Rhus glabra
Twigs are more than 1cm thick and glabrous, per Woody Plants of Kentucky and Tennessee (Jones & Wofford, 2013).
Smooth Sumac,
Rhus glabra
Leaf scars nearly encircle the buds, per Woody Plants of Kentucky and Tennessee (Jones & Wofford, 2013).