Your search found 252 image(s) illustrating the term "raceme." For a written explanation, click on "raceme" in the Glossary.
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Crowfoot Grass,
Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Inflorescence digitate, racemes 2-9, often radiating horizontally, per Flora of China.
Red Sprangletop,
Dinebra panicea ssp. brachiata
Panicle of numerous approximate slender racemes, ~ half the length of culm, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Red Spangletop,
Dinebra panicea ssp. mucronata
Panicle of numerous approximate slender racemes, ~ half the length of culm, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Green Sprangletop,
Disakisperma dubium
Panicle of spreading or ascending racemes, approximate or somewhat distant, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Coastal Sandspur,
Cenchrus spinifex
Raceme 4-10cm long, the burs not crowded, body finely and densely pubescent, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Northern Sandspur,
Cenchrus longispinus
Raceme usually 3-8cm long, burs somewhat crowded, pubescent (often densely), per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Shortleaf Basketgrass,
Oplismenus setarius
Racemes subglobose, each w about 5 spikelets; awn of first glume 4-8mm long, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Echinochloa colonum
Panicle 5-15cm long; racemes 1-2cm long, appressed or ascending, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Sand Knotgrass,
Paspalum vaginatum
Racemes paired or approximate; at first erect, later spreading or reflexed, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Paspalum notatum
Inflorescence consists of 2 racemes, occ. another (rarely 2) just below, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Paspalum dilatatum ssp. dilatatum
Terminal racemes with 3-7 alternate spreading branches, spikelets 4-rowed, per Forest Plants of the Southeast and Their Wildlife Uses (Miller & Miller, 2005).
Vasey Grass,
Paspalum urvillei
Inflorescence 7-20 ascending to arched-spreading racemes on a single axis, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Pitchfork Paspalum,
Paspalum bifidum
Racemes usually 3, ascending, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Early Crowngrass,
Paspalum praecox
Racemes terminal, longest usually < 6cm. Spikelets flattened, yellowish-green, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Florida Paspalum,
Paspalum floridanum
Racemes 3-13cm long (longest > 6cm). Spikelets in 4 rows or by abortion 3 or 2, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Florida Paspalum,
Paspalum floridanum
Terminal racemes with 2-7 ascending branches, w large spikelets in 2 rows, per Forest Plants of the Southeast and Their Wildlife Uses (Miller & Miller, 2005).
Hairy Crabgrass,
Digitaria sanguinalis
Racemes digitate, with usually 1 or 2 whorls a short distance below, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Southern Crabgrass,
Digitaria ciliaris
Racemes digitate, with usually 1 or 2 whorls a short distance below, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Browntop Millet,
Urochloa ramosa
Panicles of asending spikelike racemes along an angled axis, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Swamp Phanopyrum,
Phanopyrum gymnocarpon
Panicles of several to many stiffly ascending racemes along a main axis, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Longleaf Cupgrass,
Eriochloa michauxii var. michauxii
Axis & raceme rachises densely velvety-pubescent; spikelets appressed-villous, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Chinese Silvergrass,
Miscanthus sinensis
Panicle somewhat fan-shaped, of silky aggregate racemes 10-20cm long, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Japanese Stiltgrass,
Microstegium vimineum
Terminal, thin and spikelike raceme, to 3" long, per Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests (Miller, 2003).
Silver Plumegrass,
Erianthus alopecuroides
Inflorescence of many racemes in a dense, silvery to tawny, plume, per Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the Southern Appalachians (Horn, Cathcart, Hemmerly, & Duhl, 2005).
Hairy Jointgrass,
Arthraxon hispidus var. hispidus
Panicles of few to several racemes, flabellate, on filiform peduncles, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Common Little Bluestem,
Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium
Racemes 3-6cm long, mostly curved, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Common Little Bluestem,
Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium
Schizachyrium's spikes not split into two racemes, like those of Andropogon, per Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region (Sorrie, 2011).
Creeping Bluestem,
Schizachyrium stoloniferum
Raceme 2-3cm long, strongly flexuous, partly enclosed or exserted from sheath, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Big Bluestem,
Andropogon gerardi
Racemes on long-exserted terminal peduncle mostly 3-6, fewer on branches, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Big Bluestem,
Andropogon gerardi
Flowering raceme has 3 branches arising from a common point (the Turkeyfoot), per Wildflowers of Tennessee (Carman, 2005).
Big Bluestem,
Andropogon gerardi
Purplish seedhead a narrow cluster of linear raceme resembling a turkeyfoot, per Gardening with the Native Plants of Tennessee (Hunter, 2002).
Splitbeard Bluestem,
Andropogon ternarius
The paired, copiously hairy racemes are on peduncles 5-12cm, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Splitbeard Bluestem,
Andropogon ternarius
Racemes 2-3, conspicuously white villous, 1.5-5cm long, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Elliott's Bluestem,
Andropogon gyrans
Raceme clusters clasped by leaflike bracts, these clasped by leaf sheaths, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Racemes shorter than the bractlike leaves clasping them, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Longbeard Bluestem,
Andropogon longiberbis
The bases of the racemes not exserted above the apex of the raceme sheath, per Weakley's Flora (2012).
Common Bushy Bluestem,
Andropogon glomeratus
Paired racemes short-peduncled, sitting between 2 clasping bractlike leaves, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Dryland White Bluestem,
Andropogon capillipes
Racemes shorter than the bractlike leaves clasping them, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Florida Bluestem,
Andropogon floridanus
Inflorescence loosely subcorymbose, w pairs of silvery-white/creamy racemes, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Centipede Grass,
Eremochloa ophiuroides
A solitary, terminal, 1-sided raceme of closely overlapping spikelets, per Flora of China.
Clintonia borealis
A short terminal raceme of 3-8 nodding, greenish-yellow flowers, per Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the Southern Appalachians (Horn, Cathcart, Hemmerly, & Duhl, 2005).
Starry Solomon's Plume,
Maianthemum stellatum
Flowers in a simple raceme; perianth segments 6; peduncle usually < 2cm long;, per Weakley's Flora (2022).
European Lily-of-the-valley,
Convallaria majalis
Similar to C. montana but raceme extends above middle of the lowest leaf, per Wildflowers of Tennessee (Carman, 2005).
American Lily-of-the-valley,
Convallaria pseudomajalis
Raceme bracts linear and at least as long as any individual flower stalk, per Wildflowers of Tennessee (Carman, 2005).
Eastern Turkeybeard,
Xerophyllum asphodeloides
The terminal raceme is at first compact but later may grow to 12" long, per Wildflowers of Tennessee (Carman, 2005).
Eastern Turkeybeard,
Xerophyllum asphodeloides
In a raceme, flowers have pedicels and mature from the bottom up, per Plant Identification Terminology (Harris & Harris, 1994).
Chamaelirium luteum
Staminate flowers usually in racemes, rachis usually white, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Chamaelirium luteum
Pistillate flowers in racemes [with pedicels] or spikes [without pedicels], per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Coastal Bog Asphodel,
Triantha racemosa
Flowers in a terminal raceme, usually 2-6 per node, upper opening first, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Carolina Bog Asphodel,
Tofieldia glabra
A terminal raceme with 1 flower per node [T. racemosa has 3-7 per node], per Atlantic Coastal Plain Wildflowers (Nelson, 2006).
Northern White Colicroot,
Aletris farinosa
Whitish flowers in a stiff, spikelike raceme 4-12" long, per Newcomb's Wildflower Guide (Newcomb, 1977).
Amianthium muscitoxicum
Terminal racemes can be conical or cylindrical, 1.25-4.5" tall, per Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: Northeastern US (Clemants & Gracie, 2006).
Amianthium muscitoxicum
A terminal raceme [flowers maturing from the bottom upwards], per Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the Southern Appalachians (Horn, Cathcart, Hemmerly, & Duhl, 2005).
Florida Feathershank,
Schoenocaulon dubium
Racemes loose, 11.5-35 cm, flowers well separated along axis, per Flora of North America.
Stenanthium densum
Young racemes resemble Fly Poison; mature plumes are distinct in appearance. — Will Stuart
Pinebarrens Death-camas,
Stenanthium leimanthoides
Flowers in a dense panicle tipped with a 3-4" raceme, per Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the Southern Appalachians (Horn, Cathcart, Hemmerly, & Duhl, 2005).
Garden Star-of-Bethlehem,
Ornithogalum umbellatum
Inflorescence a corymb, which elongates into a raceme as fruits develop, per Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the Southern Appalachians (Horn, Cathcart, Hemmerly, & Duhl, 2005).
Purple Fringeless Orchid,
Platanthera peramoena
Raceme densely or loosely flowered, cylindrical, bracteate, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Yellow Fringeless Orchid,
Platanthera integra
Flowers in a dense, cylindrical-conical terminal raceme, golden yellow to pale orange, per Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast (Cotterman, Waitt, & Weakley, 2019).
Shadow Witch,
Ponthieva racemosa
Flowers borne on long stalks in a well-spaced raceme along the upper stem, per Atlantic Coastal Plain Wildflowers (Nelson, 2006).